Biggest Supermoon In 70 Years On November 14th And Won’t Happen Again Until 2034

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) said there will be an extra special supermoon coming up on Monday, November 14, the biggest and closest earthlings will get to witness in 70 years.

The closest position – 356,508 kilometers away from the Earth’s center will be at 6:21 am EST. For those living in the Philippines, it will be at 7:21 in the evening on Monday.

“Everyone in the planet will get to see the exciting astrological event. It’s a great shared resource for all humanity,” said NASA planetary geologist Noah Petro.

He encourages everyone to witness it with their own eyes since the next time it will be happening is in the next 18 years.

In 2034, it is expected that the supermoon will even come closer at 356,445 kilometers.

“Ultimately, people should be more geared toward just getting outside and enjoying it,” he said.

However, If you're not an early riser – don't worry, NASA says.

“I’ve been telling people to go out at night on either Sunday or Monday night to see the supermoon,” said Petro. “The difference in distance from one night to the next will be very subtle, so if it’s cloudy on Sunday, go out on Monday. Any time after sunset should be fine.”

Since the moon is full, it’ll rise at nearly the same time as sunset, so he suggests that you head outside after sunset, or once its dark and the moon is a bit higher in the sky.

According to Astrologer Richard Nolle, a supermoon is a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is within 90 percent of its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit.

This amazing phenomenon occurs when the moon is much closer to Earth than usual, making it appear 14 percent bigger and 30 percent brighter than it normally would.

The distance between Earth and the moon can range from 221,208 miles at its closest possible point to 252,898 miles at its farthest. That’s a difference of nearly 32,000 miles.

This month, it gets close at 221,524 miles between Earth and the moon, just 316 miles from its nearest possible location.

The supermoon will also result in higher tides, but most likely won’t result in flooding.


[Source: DailyMail]

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