Ebola Victim Rises From The Dead In Africa, Fear Of Zombie Apocalypse

For the first time in history, confirmed footage is captured of a man who scientists watched die from Ebola virus then only several hours later, regain life and rise from the dead.

Officials in Liberia have released the first confirmed image of a captured Ebola victim who rose from the dead. The name of the victim has not been released by the World Health Organization (WHO), and news of the patient resurrecting from the dead comes only hours after the United States announced its First Ebola victim in Dallas, Texas.

The Liberian government is condemning the United States of creating Ebola as a bio-weapon to use for future wars. Citizens of Liberia have expressed outrage and concern that the US may have tested an ‘evolved’ form of the virus on their nation’s population, not foreseeing the virus’ spread reaching beyond medical containment.

The first reports of Ebola victims rising from the dead was reported by Liberia’s National Newspaper. Initially, officials from the WHO fled in shock and horror as the Ebola patients suddenly arose from the dead.

After organizing military reinforcements and obtaining increased containment measures, WHO’s special operations staff quickly responded with military assistance and quarantined the two Ebola victims who ascended from the dead.

With Texas now infested with a mysterious amount of Ebola patients, nearby Kansas has declared a state of emergency. Kansas Governor Sam Brownback has declared October “Zombie Awareness Month” and the state is on high alert for a zombie outbreak. Homes across the state are to receive pamphlets warning them of how to prevent the spread of Ebola and what to do if an Ebola victim falls dead and then starts to show life again.

Please continue to watch television and online news sources for the latest details. Officials estimate the Ebola virus will spread to over 5 million people within two months. The virus is lethal if not treated. It is currently not known how many people the Dallas Ebola victim came in contact with before quarantine measures were put into place. Just stay tuned as the story develops.


[Source: Celebtricity]

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