This Monroe Or Einstein Eye Test Can Quickly Tell If You Need Glasses

You probably know whether or not you’re near-sighted, but some people get so used to seeing things a certain way that they pay no attention to a vision problem, squint a lot, and end up with unnecessary eye strain at the computer.

The photo below is kind of an eye test where you will see an image, and, depending on your eyesight and your distance from the image, a face of Albert Einstein or Marilyn Monroe will appear. Whose face you see tells you how good — or bad — your eyes are.

Here is the image that determines your vision. Whose face do you see?

If you say Albert, your eyes are in good shape. If you say Marilyn, it’s apparently time to pay a visit to the optometrist.

Watch this video for further explanations:

Let us know your results in the comments below.


[Source: AsapScience]

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