Badass Geologists Discovered How To Grill Steak Using Molten Lava

For many centuries people have debated over the best way to grill steak to perfection. Well, forget charcoal and gas grills, because there’s a whole new way to fire up the BBQ and it involves using molten lava!

Geologists at the Syracuse University Lava Project have decided to do things a little differently. Instead of the normal coal or gas barbecue, the team came up with the ingenious idea to use lava to cook those delicious sirloins!

You read that right; these guys are cooking steaks on a river of fire, for that volcanic fresh taste. This is one of the badass methods to grill steak, although, this could be the only BBQ in the world where beer might not be so welcomed, while you’re operating this piece of kit!

The aim of this amazing project isn't just to cook steaks though, it's a collaboration between professor Bob Wysocki and his team to create experiments and pieces of art that will bring into question our understanding of this normally petrifying substance.


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