Experts Say Your Dog’s Tail Relays Secret Information

Science is always providing new information that allows us understanding body language of dogs, or to reinterpret behaviors which we thought we understood very well, such as the meaning of a dog’s tail wagging.

According to Psychology Today, dogs instinctively pick up on very minute details in body language that humans have a hard time identifying, especially in regards to their tails. Tail wagging is meant as signal for dogs. Canines will only wiggle its tail when other living beings are around – whether it’s a person, another dog, other animals, or perhaps a ball of lint that is moved by a breeze and might seem alive.

Moreover, when a dog wags its tail, it can mean something other than happiness and excitement. The speed and direction the tail is wagging can also indicate important warning signs every pet owner should be aware of.

Tail wags conversation is hard to interpret if you’re not an expert, but here’s a quick rundown of a few important basics.

If a dog looks like this, looking straight ahead with its tail perked up, while encountering a new dog, he/she is merely showing off his confidence by displaying dominance. Or, in tail talk: “Hi buddy! By the way, I’m the boss here!”

If a dog’s tail juts straight out he/she feels threatened.

When a dog is in this position and his or her tail is also wagging back and forth, he/she is just trying to impress you.

If none of his or her limbs are tightened and he/she seems completely relaxed, the pup is completely unconcerned.

This body language, with his or her tail curled up and mouth open, means there’s an uncertain threat.

If your dog adopts this posture, he/she is saying, “Feed me!”

This position can be a bit worrisome depending on the pooch. It’s a subordinate position they take when they are around a dog of superior rank. It is the canine way of saying, “Whoa, buddy. You’re cooler than me, do what you will.”

Of course, that’s just the beginning. The direction and speed at which your dog wags its tail also communicates some very significant information.

If a dog swings its tail to the right, he/she is happy or excited. But, there’s many other ways to interpret a wag.

If a wag shifts to the left, this signifies that there is something wrong.

The speed of the wag is important to note as well. A dog’s tail will wag vigorously to the right if they see someone they know.

However, if they spot someone that is unfamiliar to them, the tail will wag more slowly.


[Source | Photo Credit 1, Photo Credit 2]

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