What Does Your Handwriting Really Say About You? Find Out Here.

Did you know that your handwriting is a window to your personality?

Do you have a legible handwriting? Whether how bad or good it is seemed, there are different kinds of meaning your strokes that you have in your handwriting.

It reflects the person’s personality, moods and tempers like how the letters are all well spaced, how beautifully the letters are formed and so on.

The study of handwriting is known as Graphologist. Here are the guidelines when it comes to handwriting analysis. We have four pointers to consider in analyzing the person's handwriting: Angle, Word Connection, Baseline and Signature.



Sometimes we pay attention to the slantness of the handwriting to get to know the person’s emotional responsiveness.

Steady Right Slant

Means that he has uncontrolled attitudes, self-confidence, self-assertiveness, occasional insensitivity, and tactlessness. He is comfortable in social gatherings and has positive approach towards life.

Steady Left Slant

Means that he thinks before acting, loves to be alone, uncomfortable in crowds and social gatherings, and knows how to control his feelings.

No Slant or Upright

Means that the person is a good actor and can easily hide his emotions, exercises restraint, and is known to be observant rather than participant. The person is known to be highly reliable and consistent.

Mixture of the Three

Discussed above means that the person is confused, unpredictable, inconsistent, and confusing. He may have a difficulty in taking decisions and may also harbor doubts about his own identity.

Word Connection

The connection of words and letters speaks in volumes about the person's reasoning and intellectual faculties.

Words are Joined in a Steady Way

Means that the person is logical and orderly in thinking. He uses his experience than his imagination. He has consistency in work and clarity in processing of thoughts as well as conversing to other people.

If Letters within Words are Disconnected

Means that the person can demonstrate strong intuition, original thinking, impulsiveness, and creativity.


The character and mood of the person is a significant influence on the manner in which a line of writing makes it way across the page.

Steady Baseline

Means he is cool, calm, firm, confident, and in control.

Wavy Baseline

Means he is hot-headed, instinctive, spontaneous, temperamental, and unpredictable.

Downwardly Directed Baseline

Means the person has less energy, pessimist, skeptical, and tired.

Upwardly Directed Baseline

Means the person is buoyant, cheerful, forceful, and hopeful.

Handwriting Facts


The way the person writes his signature signifies about his personal and social life, business transactions and other social obligations.

Illegible First Name

means the person is trying to obscure it or that he is unable to see himself as separate from the family.

Illegible Last Name

The person may be vague in his approach to business or formal activities. The person may feel to assert himself as separate as and more important than his family.

First Name and Last Name are Illegible

Means the person doesn't like them.

Capital Letter of Either Name is Low or Small

Means the person has low self-confidence.

Capital Letter of Either Name is Very Tall

Means that a person is domineering or has egoistic nature.

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