3D Babies Now Offers Expectant Parents A 3D Printed Model Of UnbornChild

Expectant parents are being offered the opportunity to hold their baby before it is even born.

A company website called 3D Babies will take your baby's ultrasound  into a real world model using its 3D printers.

American couple Gerard and Katie Bessette, the website owners, are hoping their business, 3D Babies, will attract to future parents.

The company uses your 3D/4D ultrasound images or newborn baby pictures to create a unique artistic representation of your baby using the latest computer graphics and 3D printing technology.

3D Babies Order

“Imagine holding your baby before he or she is born. At 3D Babies, we create an adorable baby figurine resembling your baby’s facial features and body position,” the website reads.

3D Babies taken by pej from   http://3d-babies.com/Custom-Babies_c5.htm

3D Babies stated on their website that their models are a great way to share the excitement of your new baby with family and friends and it will also be a treasured family remembrance of your pregnancy.

3D Babies Sizes
The 3D babies come in three options: Life-size, Half size, and Mini which range from $200 to $400. The website even has a “celebrity baby” section with a model of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s daughter North West selling for $250.

3D BabiesWhen you order, the plastic model of your still-forming offspring will be delivered to you in a silk-lined box. Would you want to open the box and see your unborn baby staring back at you?


Disclaimer: All images in this post are copyrighted and are the propriety of their respective owners.

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