Amazing Info's | Artist Jodi Harvey-Brown is an avid art and book lover turning books to an amazing pop-up art that comes to life by making unique book sculptures in portraying scenes from the literary world.
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Jodi Harvey-Brown creates the intricate pieces of artwork to emerge directly from the pages of the books which have inspired her.
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“I have always loved art, and I have always loved to read,” Jodi said.
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Jodi Harvey-Brown not only summoned little fictional human characters, classical monsters, sea creatures, gigantic ships and air balloons, she also restored entire landscapes, capturing the perfect impression of those many amazing worlds.
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“Characters, that we care so much for, should come out of the pages to show us their stories. What we see in our imaginations as we read should be there for the world to see,” Jodi explained.
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Jodi Harvey-Brown does commissioned work, but given an option, she would lean to fantasy books. Various works take only a few hours, while her most time thorough piece like The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, was over 100 hours.
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Each scene is handmade and protected with ultra-violet finish. The sculptures are wired through to hold them in place and all has a different story to tell.
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Jodi Harvey-Brown has carved some of literature's most legendary characters including Harry Potter, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
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“The books that we love to read should be made to come to life,” Jodi’s motto.
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