This Smart Pillow That Nudges Sleepers When They Begin To Snore WillMake Your Dreams Come True. So Cool!

A smart pillow that detects snoring and nudges the loud offender into a quieter position.

New York-based online gadget retailer Hammacher Schlemmer promotes Snore Activated Nudging Pillow, a smart pillow that detects snoring as it can gently push a snorer into a new position to stop their snoring or wake them up gently, leaving their partner to sleep in silence.

The Snore Activated Nudging Pillow has a built-in integrated microphone that picks up the sonic vibrations of snoring. It then inflates an internal air pocket which makes the pillow three inches taller, which the inventors believe is just enough to make a sleeper shift their head or body.

Snore Activated Nudging Pillow A Smart Pillow Detects Snoring Nudges Snorer Into A Quieter Position

The pillow has a 30-minute delay setting to let the user to fall asleep without the smart pillow inflating. It can also be manually inflated to a desired thickness of between four and seven inches.

The microphone's sensitivity of the Snore Activated Nudging Pillow can be adjusted for light or heavy snoring. Using a panel of buttons on the side of the smart pillow, users can set the snore pillow’s sensitivity to suit their needs.

Snore Activated Nudging Pillow A Smart Pillow Detects Snoring Nudges Snorer Into A Quieter Position Pic 2

High sensitivity is suggested for light snoring, whereas low sensitivity is suggested for heavy snoring. The sound-activated air pocket expands and contracts to make sure breathing passages stay open and prevent snoring.

The amazing product is filled with polyurethane and its shape is designed to cradle the head, while the polyester cover can be removed and washed.

The inventors believe that sleeping on your side reduces snoring since the base of the tongue will not collapse into the back of the throat to obstruct breathing. The elevated angle of the pillow similarly opens a person's airways or prompts them to move into a better sleeping position, perhaps by rolling onto their side.

The awesome pillow can be bought from New York-based online gadget retailer Hammacher Schlemmer for $149.00.

Snore Activated Nudging Pillow A Smart Pillow Detects Snoring Nudges Snorer Into A Quieter Position Pic 3

The General Manager of the shop, Fred Berns, claimed that the Snore Activated Nudging Pillow encourages one to change sleeping positions immediately after the first snore.

"This will then reduce the chance of prolonged snoring waking your partner," Berns said.

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