A South Korean woman said she makes more than $9,000 per month by eating in front of her camera from fans who like to watch her eat for hours each day.
Park Seo-Yeon AKA “The Diva” online, is a 34 year old former consultancy worker. She is making meals, sitting in front of her professional cameras and lighting for up to three hours a day from her apartment in Seoul, South Korea while chatting with adoring fans. She‘s getting tips in the form of online currency that can be exchanged for cash.
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“People enjoy the vicarious pleasure of my online show when they can’t eat that much, or don’t want to eat food at night, or are on a diet,” Park said.
According to Park, she makes about $9,400 each month from generous fans who donate to keep her channel running and most of her viewers are female. She even quit her day job and now lives off her eating show.
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“Loneliness is another crucial factor. The show is addictive as you can communicate with thousands of people at home,” she said.
Park claimed that she did not have an eating disorder, was not repeating her meals and had no health problems and also stated that she began broadcasting her dinners for the reason that she was bored and needed a hobby.
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"One of the best comments I ever received from a viewer who said that she had gotten over her anorexia by watching me eat. That really meant a lot to me," she added.
Reuters reported that there are several thousand channels in South Korea that are just like The Diva’s, some sponsored by restaurants. This Internet craze is called "Meok-Bang" and it cures loneliness and hunger pangs so that viewers will find comfort in watching to avoid the feeling of eating alone.
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